A brand new Fiat 500C TwinAir has been presented to the winner of the National Motor Museum Trust Prize Draw in a ceremony at Palace House.
Beaulieu Managing Director Russell Bowman handed the keys for the bright red soft-top to Rosalind Cottee and her husband Norman, who were delighted to drive home to Maidenhead from the New Forest in the sought-after top raffle prize. They were joined for the ceremony by Niall James from Snows Fiat and Abarth, which supplied the car.
Rosalind and Norman had visited Beaulieu in the summer with their grandchildren, when Rosalind bought her successful raffle ticket in the National Motor Museum. She said: “We had a lovely day, but I really didn’t expect to win anything, let alone the car. I think the only other thing I’ve ever won in a competition was a bowl of fruit, so this is wonderful! We’re both retired, so I will be using the Fiat for local trips.”
Carole McGuire, from Tonbridge in Kent, won second prize – a money-can’t-buy opportunity to take part in the 2019 London to Brighton Veteran Car Run, as a passenger in one of the National Motor Museum Trust’s historic vehicles, with an overnight stay in London. Seated in the 1904 De Dion Bouton Model Q, which she will ride in for the 60-mile event, Carole was presented with a commemorative certificate by National Motor Museum Manager and Chief Engineer Doug Hill.
Carole said: “I’m thrilled to bits. It was meant to be! Years ago, I used to live near the route of the run so I always went to watch the veteran cars pass by.”
Looking forward to taking part in the event, Carole is well aware that preparation is the key. “I’m hoping it’s not going to be raining, although I think I might need to wear my thermals!” she added.
The third prize went to Michael Burton, from Formby near Liverpool, who won a VIP trip around the New Forest in a vehicle from the National Motor Museum collection. This special day out also includes a visit to the Beaulieu Chocolate Studio for a demonstration and chocolate treat goody bag.
Tickets have gone on sale for a chance to win the 2019 National Motor Museum Trust Prize Draw. Click here for more details.